Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let It Snow?

You know that we are quickly coming to the end of times when it snows 8 inches in New Orleans and not a drop in Indiana. The last time it snowed in New Orleans, was on Chunky's first Christmas day (see pic above) and when I say snow, I mean small snowflakes that did not really even stick to the ground. Before that, I was around 7 years old. And in other news, Chunky keeps arguing with me that my mom's dog Tia is a boy. After telling him several times, that she is a girl, I finally just said, "She is not a boy, she does not have a penis!'. His response...."Oh no!"(As if to say, it must have fallen off!) Enough said!

1 comment:

amy f. said...

Oh my gosh, I can just hear him saying that in response. He's all traumatized now..,,good job, Kristy!