Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just A Thought

So, I should probably be in bed by now, as I have to get up at 5:15 to go to work tomm. It seems the weekend is never long enough. But, I thought, while I have a few moments of quiet time, I would check emails, blogs and came across this comment(s) about stay at home moms/working moms and found it to be quite interesting. This is something that I struggle with because most of my friends are stay at home moms and I often feel like I miss out on lots of fun, however, I am truly thankful that I get to bring Chunky to work everyday with me and give him hugs and kisses throughout the day and know that he is safe, having fun, and learning at the same time. On a further note, this weekend I have really been struggling with how Chunky is developing. I get frustrated because he still is not talking the way I think he should or always acting age appropriate. But I also think that God is trying to show me just how blessed I am. So what if Chunky is behind in his talking...he can still tell me he loves me where so many other children can not speak a word. Maybe he does have some delays, but he can walk, run, play, give kisses, and rub my head when he wants me to go to sleep. Even though I get frustrated with him, I realize that God created him perfect in his eyes and he will develop according to Gods timing and not mine. Until then, I pray for patience and understanding. Now back to the article. God could not have put me at a better job at this time in my life (but if he would like to raise my salary a little that would be OK) Here is the post:

July 15, 2008

If Every Mom Were a Stay-At-Home Mom

By Veronica

If every mom were a stay-at-home mom, the public schools would shut down due to a lack of teachers.

If every mom were a stay-at-home mom, giving birth would become much more dangerous. All those mothers who are midwives and OBGYNS would disappear. The hospitals could not staff enough nurses for basic patient care. The pregnant women who already must drive twenty miles to a birth unit might have to drive fifty.

If every mom were a stay-at-home mom, I would lose my pediatrician. My kids would go farther and wait longer to see a doctor. My sister's clients - children with neurological disorders - would spend years on waiting lists before seeing another physical therapist who specializes in their treatment.

If every mom were a stay-at-home mom, some of the most brilliant scholars I know would not be available to affect the lives and minds of students. My children's future education would be immeasurably the poorer.

This stay-at-home mom has one thing to say to the moms who leave home to earn a paycheck at a job worth doing: thank you. Thank you for caring for patients and protecting citizens. Thank you for repairing our streets and driving our buses and picking up our garbage. Thank you for writing our newspapers and teaching our kids. Thank you for being an example to my daughters of the many options they have in adult life. Thank you for making my decision to be a stay-at-home mom a real choice.

The media-manufactured "Mommy Wars" tell us that mothers resent and judge each other. Sometimes we do. But sometimes we recognize that the world needs different people to make different choices. The truth is that as we all struggle to provide the best for our kids, we can't make it without each other. Your choices affect me, and mine affect you. We really are all in this together.

So the next time a belittling feature on a morning news program tries to exploit you emotionally; the next time a snooty mom at play group or school treats you like you are just a "part-time" mom; the next time you feel isolated and unappreciated in the challenges you face, please, come back and read this thank you again.

Because it will still be true.

Veronica Mitchell also posts at Toddled Dredge.


amy f. said...

Awww, Kristy. We talk a lot about these two specific things (you being a mom who works outside the home and Chunky's delays and the frustrations). This post brought tears to my eyes tonight (but I think I'm especially emotional today!)because I LOVE the way you are looking at these two areas of your life right now. You are so blessed. You have the perfect job for you and Chunky AND Chunky CAN do so much, particularly showing and telling you how much he loves you on a daily basis.

You are a WONDERFUL mom and I really have learned a lot from you. Thank you for sharing the post about being thankful for the working moms in the is so true and I'm glad someone wrote about that :-) Thank you for teaching 3 year olds...I know THEIR parents are SO grateful to you.

I love you!

Lindsay said...

I have to give Amy a BIG FAT DITTO on this one. I love the way you are looking at these things. I've been having a lot of the same thoughts regarding development and such. I can honestly say that I want Burke in my life, no matter what. I don't care if I have to push him in a wheelchair or clean his feeding tubes. I want my son, and I want him here with me.

And regarding working mothers...I have long said that every woman is NOT cut out to be a stay-at-home mom. I am seriously starting to doubt that I'm cut out to be a stay-at-home mom. We need women in the workforce...especially Godly women.

I, for one (or two, if you count Amy), consider it an honor to have you as a friend, and I often look at you with A LOT of admiration for your hard work outside of the home. I think you are one cool chick, and I wish I could reach through this screen and give you a humongous hug right now (seeing as how we're both up far past our bedtimes.) :)

Goodnight, friend. I love you!

Jessica said...

I also think your an amazing mother and working mom! I never judge you, but somthimes think how does she do it all? I look at you with admiration! You seem to find some what of a balance with work, mothering, family, friends,..... You'd doing a great job keep it up. We're all working at it daily.

I've been pondering this topic lately as I feel like I have a full time job(building) in addition to being a stay at home mom. It's not easy! Again, I admire YOU! I LOVE YOU!

Mom said...

Hi Boo!

Well, just finished reading your latest and haven't stopped crying yet!I'm so proud of you for realizing what a lil miracle you have been given !! We all want our child to be perfect, and they all are in Gods eyes. He picks the most special Moms for each child and knows that they will give them the best care, guidance and love above all others. I thank God each day for my beautiful child and the beautiful grandchild that he has blessed my life with. I know how you are feeling about work, its so hard to try to balance life! Just remember that God is in control of everything, everything happens for a reason, and in the end, you realize that no matter what life has dealt you, God has always been right there beside you to get you through and make you a sronger person! Thank you for being the wonderful daughter that you are and again, for giving me so many beautiful moments with "CHUNKY"!He has the BEST MOM and NEVER doubt that!!! I love you so much boo!! Great entry as usual!!!